Job interview tips

Top 10 Job Interview Tips

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Based upon our decades of placing professionals into quality jobs, below are our Top 10 Interview Tips for candidates. We encourage all candidates to review this list prior to each interview.

Tip 1. Be Prepared

Before arriving for your interview, you should visit the company's website, review the recent news about the company, and conduct a quick Google search. This information will help your interviewers know you are serious about the position. And if you know the names of your potential interviewers, you should also locate them on Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn to understand their career paths -- enabling you to anticipate potential questions.

Tip 2. Clean Up Your Online Profiles

Make sure your MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn profiles are professional. While everyone has personal interests, this is not the time to promote those aspects of your life and personality. Importantly, ensure your profiles are consistent with your resume. This is the 21st century, and reference checks go beyond calling individuals you provide.

Tip 3. Bring Copies of Your Resume

Nothing stalls an interview more quickly than an interviewer not having a copy of your resume to quickly understand your skills and experiences. So bring copies with you. Don't just bring one; bring a copy for each person on your interview schedule -- and extras. Also, don't be offended if the interviewer has not read your resume or only scans it when you share it. Resumes are only one tool when evaluating the fit between a candidate, company, and job.

Most importantly, be prepared to answer questions about your strengths, weaknesses, objectives, and accomplishments. Short concise answers that are not overly rehearsed are the most effective.

Tip 4. Dress Appropriately -- and Professionally

For your first interview, always wear professional attire -- preferably a suit. Professional dress demonstrates your commitment and fosters respect. Subsequent interviews are best conducted in the attire of the hiring organization. Matching attire shows the ability to fit-in and be a member of the team. Of importance, please inform the hiring manager of your intended attire so they do not perceive your dress as unduly confident in your candidacy.

Tip 5. Be on Time

Countless jobs are lost by candidates arriving late. Tardiness suggests a lack of organization, desire, and professionalism. Similarly, arriving early can suggest desperation or lack of other career opportunities. It's important that you arrive on-time. If you arrive early, be sure to remain calm and in a location where potential interviewers will not see you.

Tip 6. Be Confident

When meeting with members of your future employer, be sure to offer a firm handshake and make eye contact when speaking. Pay attention, don't slouch, and don't fidget -- all of which are often interpreted as a lack of personal confidence.

Tip 7. Show Enthusiasm

Be positive and show energy for the job. Actively engage in the conversation -- but don't overdue it. No one wants to work with someone who is "phony" or insincere.

Tip 8. Listen More, Speak Concisely

Numerous studies have proven that candidates who allow the interviewer to perform the majority of the speaking are better liked than those who dominate the conversation. Allowing the interviewer to speak also enables you to learn more about your potential employer, the job, and your future colleagues.

When asked a question, provide a clear and concise answer. Limit the number of career stories you offer. And if you see the interviewer reading email, responding to IMs, or otherwise looking bored, drive your response to a rapid conclusion. If in doubt, stop talking and listen.

Tip 9. Ask Relevant Questions

Arrive to the interview with several relevant questions -- one for each interviewer. These could be news related, involve corporate strategy, or related to the industry. Do not ask questions that could be answered by reading company's website or collateral. Feel free, however, to ask several questions during your discussions with your interviewers. It demonstrates interest and keeps the conversation engaging.

Tip 10. Send a Follow-Up EMail

It takes time to interview a candidate. So, send a short personalized email to each interviewer. Indicate you appreciate their time and insights into the company and the job. Be sure to include your contact information should they have follow-up questions and wish to reach out to you.